Community Spirit: Fellow Elementary PTA’s Donate Big to get District’s Newest School ready to Rock and Roll

Mount Si High School Issues Preemptive Strike on May Madness, ‘Hot Girl’ Contest

Man tumbles down Face of Otter Falls, flown into Torguson Park

North Bend Ready to Unveil Improvements to EJ Roberts Park

Man Falls 50 Feet into Creek Bed on Mt. Teneriffe, Search and Rescue crews on Scene

Police Blotter | Infamous Parking Lot Rock High Centers Car(s); SLOW Down by Schools; Dude, what’s that Smell?; Slipped away in the Darkness

Driving School Vehicle Collides with Stalled SUV on I-90; SUV driver faces vehicular assault Charges

Bears are Awake and Hungry, Unsecured Garbage Containers can get You a Ticket

Search and Rescue Crews respond to Rattlesnake Trail for Injured Woman

Boxley’s Announces Closing, but says the Music will Live on

Washington FIRST Brings STEM training to the Valley, Preparing today’s Students to fill Workforce Shortage

‘Senior Assassin’ | Citing ‘Grave Concern’ for Student Safety, School Notifies Police, asks for Parent Help

FREE Teen Driving Course Comes to Area this Weekend, Pro Drag Racer’s Mission to Help Families Avoid his Tragedy

Business Comings & Goings: Pet Place Market Change of Ownership, what’s new in store for Valley Pets?

Road Work Finished Early, No Delays near Snoqualmie Falls on Friday

Woman Thrown from Horse, Down Ravine on the Snoqualmie Valley Trail

Expert Opinion | Great Outdoor Exercise Options

Community invited to Ask Questions about Fire Authority Ballot Measure

Business Goings | Bye, Bye Milk Barn

Business Comings | Popular Owen’s Meats Now in North Bend, with New Meat Machine

Op-ed | Is the District Scared to Let Parents Have a Say?

Living Snoqualmie