
Updated: Rollover Accident Yet Again Slows Traffic

Updated: All Lanes Snoqualmie Parkway Southbound Now Open

Updated 7:00 PM: Memorial Day Snoqualmie pass Traffic Delays

Hit and Run Accident Saturday on SR203 Near Carnation

Updated: Saturday Afternoon Fire on Westbound I90

Updated: Tipped Over Semi on SR 18 Snarling Friday Afternoon traffic

All Aboard For Three Full Days Of Train Rides Memorial Day Weekend!

Erratic Driving and a Sunday Afternoon wreck on I90 & Crash Near Tiger Mountain Summit on SR18

SR 202 – Snoqualmie Falls Park to Boalch Ave NW – Paving and ADA improvements

Final Update: Pass Open Both Directions

Sunday Afternoon Donut “Incident” on I90. State Troopers Claim Innocence!

The Week Ahead – Warm Front Feelings and Cold Flirtations

Updated: Snoqualmie Pass Estimated to open at Noon, White Pass at 10 am, Stevens still has no Estimated Opening Time

Updated: Snoqualmie Pass Reopens

I-90 over Snoqualmie Pass to Remain Closed Overnight (Updated)

Swindmaggeddon- How Much Longer?

Highway 18 Blocked due to Semi-Fire (Story Updated)

Update: Both Direction I90 reopened

Snoqualmie Valley Local Advocacy Team: Pros in Partnership

Outdoor recreation officials caution winter recreationists heading to the Cascades

Accident on Westbound Highway 18. All Lanes of Traffic Blocked

Updated: I-90 Eastbound Closed at MP 46 Due to Multiple Collisions & WB at MP 34 near North Bend

UPDATE: I-90 Eastbound has Reopened with Restrictions

UPDATED: I-90 Eastbound Reopens

Living Snoqualmie