
Accident on Westbound Highway 18. All Lanes of Traffic Blocked

Updated: I-90 Eastbound Closed at MP 46 Due to Multiple Collisions & WB at MP 34 near North Bend

Highway 18 Closed Early this New Years Day Morning for a Serious One Car Accident

UPDATE: I-90 Eastbound has Reopened with Restrictions

Car Fire Slows Traffic on I90 Eastbound

UPDATED: I-90 Eastbound Reopens

Updated-Traffic Alert: Snoqualmie Parkway closed at SR202 due to jack-knifed semi

Project to Improve Dangerous I-90 & SR 18 Interchange may be Delayed due to COVID-19 Impacts on WSDOT

Accident on I90: Driver under investigation for Vehicular Assault

Winter is Coming~Traction Advisory Snoqualmie Pass

UPDATED: I-90 closed in both directions between North Bend at MP 34 to Ellensburg at MP 106.

Increasing Pedestrian Safety: A New Rapid Flashing Beacon Crosswalk Installed on Park Street

Overturned Semi at SR-18 Westbound Creates short back-up on I-90 Monday Afternoon

Vehicle Pursuit Ends in Another Traffic Snarl on Wednesday

Accident on I90: Driver under arrest for vehicular assault

SR 18 over Tiger Mountain Proves Fatal again last Friday

Closed portion of Rattlesnake Lake Parking area in North Bend to reopen this weekend

SnoPo K9 Pooch helps police make huge drug seizure on I-90 near Snoqualmie

Westbound SR 18 to close near Snoqualmie for overnight repairs twice this August

Safety upgrades coming to dangerous SE 104th/SR 18 intersection near Snoqualmie as part of interchange improvement project

RV catches fire on I-90 near North Bend, also ignites brush fire

Month-long FULL Closure of SR 203 between Carnation and Duvall starts July 26th, followed by second road closure in same area

Construction of new ‘Tree Farm’ housing development in North Bend starts mid July

North Bend awarded $1.4 million grant for another roundabout at busy intersection

Living Snoqualmie