Snoqualmie Valley Info

Broadway on Meadowbrook Way | Mount Si Drama Debuts ‘The Matchmaker’

Anytime Fitness to Offer FREE Outdoor Workouts in the Park, Every Saturday in May

Bomb Threat ‘Prank’ Disrupts, Evacuates Twin Falls Middle School

Lake Alice Road to Close all Summer, Detouring Drivers Through Snoqualmie Ridge

Police Blotter | Is this Hot Tub Yours?, Sheep on the Lamb, Car in Ditch with NO Driver to be Found, Garden Hose Soaker Crime

Those Kids Can Sing | Mount Si Vocal Jazz Brings Home Trophy, Scores First in Selfie Contest, too

SWAT, Hostage Negotiating Teams Respond to Mt. Si Road Area Sunday Night

What Happened to Sasquatch and Dragon? Taking Vacation while Sea Creature Sylvester Visits North Bend Visitors Center

Weekend FUN | Popular Healthy Kids Day on Tap at Snoqualmie Valley YMCA

One Vehicle Accident Near Casino Sends Woman to Harborview; Residents Concerned about ‘Mobile Home Graveyard’

Snoqualmie Named One of Ten WORST Commutes in Greater Seattle Region

Casting Call for Movie Extras | Help Budding, Local Teen Filmmaker with New Project, ‘Dear Society’

Earth Day Celebrates Student Artists, April 22nd at City Hall

Confessions of a Bellevue Transplant: Learning to Live Harmoniously with Pets and Wildlife in the Valley

Yes Snoqualmie, Putting Garbage Cans out the Night Before Collection Day Invites Bears to Neighborhoods, Can Get you $125 Ticket

Beauty out of Grief: Tanner Jeans Foundation Awards UW Scholarships, Changes Lives of Two Mount Si Seniors

Review | Thai Eatery Opens in Snoqualmie, Third Time Might be the Charm

Another Weekend of I-90 Congestion, as Westbound Mainline Closed, Rerouted Again

WSDOT says I-90 Overpass Girder Needs Replacing, Seeks $1.2 Million in Repairs Costs from Responsible Garbage Company’s Insurer

Memorial Service, Large Tow Truck Procession through Snoqualmie Valley Honors Dennis Todd

Good News for I-90/SR 18 Improvement Project, House Adds to Transportation Package

Tops in State! Mount Si Debate Teams Make History, Qualify for Nationals, but Need Community Help to Actually Get There

Apparent Aggressive Bear in Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Course Home Backyard, Pet Chicken Killed

Help the Mount Si Class of 2015, Spring Clean and Support Safe and Sober Grad Night

Living Snoqualmie