Teachers union overwhelmingly approves new pay schedule that includes big raises

Fire Blotter | improperly extinguished campfire spreads; natural combustion causes fire near DirtFish; motorcycle accident downtown

North Bend Road Work: Brissak Bridge repairs near Riverbend; Pickett Ave Closure near NE 3rd

City to purchase large portion of Cascade Golf Course for critical water rights, open space

Police Blotter | suspected missing child found locked in car; Railroad Days disturbance; stolen car needed for court date

Three Mount Si Grads receive scholarships from Firefighters Association

Yearly Warning: Low flying jet over Snoqualmie Valley signals start of Boeing Classic, August 24th

QFC to phase out plastic bags by 2019

In Search of more Space: Snoqualmie Valley YMCA adding portable

Snoqualmie Valley School District and Teachers union reach conceptual agreement on new pay schedule

Something strange is coming to North Bend this weekend… a new FilmFest

Inside the New Mount Si High School: safer, brighter and lots of flexible, modern learning spaces

Sigillo Cellars owners hope to clear up ‘untruths’ about King Street Lot purchase

North Bend News: Two-week road closure planned; new survey asks for citizen input on shopping habits

Support the Mt Si Senior Center: 2nd Annual SOS Dinner and Auction happens September 15th

Police Blotter | Runaway out the window with a makeshift rope; Under 21 DUI, reckless driving; barking dog frustrations; known man with pellet gun

Mount Dance Team contest finalist for FREE airfare to Nationals; need public to vote by August 15th

New Life to Downtown North Bend: Volition Brewing to transform long vacant building

Fire Blotter | Single-car, 7-passenger rollover accident; covered in blueberry juice for spiritual reasons; head-on crash on Boalch Ave; riverbank fire

Seeing Red: City suspects asphalt sealer spill in pond near Snoqualmie Ridge IGA shopping center

Helicopter rescues climber stuck on Mount Si haystack

Living Snoqualmie