
Updated: Wednesday Morning Traffic Troubles on Highway 18

Updated: Traffic Alert: I-90 Closed in Both Directions

Traffic Alert: Daytime Lane Closures Planned for Eastbound SR 18 Approaching Tiger Mountain

Traffic Alert: SR-202 Lane Closure at Tollgate Farm Entrance Tuesday

Travel Alert: SR 18 lane closures will prepare for upcoming improvements to I-90 and SR 18 in Snoqualmie

North Bend Traffic Alert: Park Street Turn Lanes Project Scheduled to Begin October 3rd

Trail Run Brings Participants to Downtown North Bend

WSDOT Travel Update: Expect Big Backups all Week on Westbound I-90 near Preston

All Aboard! Special Autumn Event Trains at the Northwest Railway Museum

Inslee and Local Leaders Launch Diverging Diamond Interchange Work to get I-90/SR 18 Traffic Moving

Late-night Westbound SR 18 closure Near Tiger Mountain this Thursday

A Major Project Will Affect Westbound I-90 Travel During September Near Issaquah

Final Update: All Lanes Blocked on SR 18 at Tiger Mountain State Forest

Work Now Underway on Western Washington’s Largest Pavement Repair Project…Including I-90 in North Bend!

Carnation Main Street Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Overnight I-90 Lane and Ramp Closures for Pavement Repair Begin

Summer Freedom Forever: Snoqualmie Valley Transportation joins Metro in announcing free travel for youth, year-round

Construction work along Snoqualmie Valley Trail and Tolt River Bridge August 22-24  

Late-night westbound SR 18 closure near Tiger Mountain this Thursday

Snoqualmie Days Festival Provides A Ton Of Fun

Yearly Warning: Not One but Two Low Flying Jets over the Snoqualmie Valley Signal Start & End of Boeing Classic

Large Brush Fire on I90 Snarls Monday Afternoon Traffic

Open for Business: North Bend Residents Encouraged to support Business Amidst Construction

Updated: Thursday Evening Wreck Closes Local Valley Road

Living Snoqualmie