
Serious bus, car accident near I-90/SR 18 interchange takes one life

Semi goes off SR 18 near Tiger Mountain, WSDOT to close highway Tuesday night to clear truck

Man dies after car flips, lands in creek in Fall City Sunday night

Fire Blotter | Two head-on accidents just hours apart; broken water pipes at freshman campus, Safeway; tipped semi spills 15 tons of ice melt at interchange

Police Blotter | Got the boot from Smokey Joes; street fight, tire slashing near Sure Shot; ditch lurking snowball throwers; plows gone astray

Time to Fix ‘Blood Alley’ | City, business leaders travel to Olympia, push legislators for funding to fix dangerous SR 18

City, state agree to $1.2 million cost sharing to turn weigh station return lane into I-90 on-ramp

Broken truck axle causes massive back up for Monday morning commute

‘Find another way home’ urges Snoqualmie Police after six DUI arrests over weekend, one with serious rollover accident and foot chase

From failing pavement and buried tree stumps emerges the new, improved NE 12th Street in North Bend

Fire Blotter | Malicious fire alarm pull at Mount Si; fatal accident on I-90; broken leg but not sure how

Fatal Collision closes SR 18 over Tiger Mountain for five hours Friday morning

SUV hauling trailer flips on eastbound I-90 near North Bend

Very lucky driver after car leaves I-90, crashes down embankment into tree near SR 18 off-ramp

‘No Call, Text is worth a Life’ | Washington State Patrol looking for Distracted Drivers this weekend

HAWK signal installation work continues at Fisher Ave and Snoqualmie Parkway after engineer strike causes delays

Traffic: Nightly SR18 closures this week; upcoming Orchard Drive and Boalch Ave closures

Snoqualmie Valley students back to School: important safety reminders

Snoqualmie Police Department names its first detectives

North Bend’s NE 12th Street Reconstruction Project starts in early August

Section of Maloney Grove Ave to Close for road work starting July 9th

Temporary full Road Closures expected along Orchard Drive for new apartment complex project

SE Lake Dorothy Road becomes seasonal One-Way Road

Fiery, fatal collision closes SR 18 near Snoqualmie overnight

Living Snoqualmie