School News

Letter: Busby ‘has always been, and continues to be, All about the Kids’

Q&A with School Board Candidates: local taxes, improving communications, policy making

Letter: Johnson asking the right question, is SVSD budget being spent in the right place?

Mount Si Student Musicians chosen to perform with elite Honor Bands

Letter | Snoqualmie Valley at a crossroads, Melissa Johnson will lead district in right direction

Letter | Support MacLean: understands school board role to set tone for the district

Joint effort brings ‘Toxic Stress’ presentation to Mount Si High School, free for parents and students

Local Coalition Launches ‘Career Exploration Fridays,’ connecting students to local employers, jobs

Q&A with School Board Candidates: local taxes, communications, and policy making

‘Stand Up for Students, Sit Down for Breakfast’: help Friends of Youth get mental health counselor in every Snoqualmie Valley school

Letter | Fancher will Listen to voice of the community, ask tough questions as school board member

Letter | District putting parents on Need-to- know basis, Time for Change – Vote Melissa Johnson for School Board

As BIG Property Tax Increase Looms, state legislators say school board should provide tax relief, substantially lower levy rate

Unclear if Snoqualmie Valley Athletic Complex ready in time for 2018 Mount Si Baseball, Softball season

Police looking for school zone violators near Timber Ridge Elementary as parents worry about safety at busy intersection

Focus on Safety: District implements enhanced security systems at all schools, tracks visitors on campus

Mount Si Football takes down Skyline with impressive road victory

New School Rising: Mount Si High School steel framework goes up; SES gym expansion starts soon

Snoqualmie Firefighters Association awards three scholarships to recent Mount Si grads

Bye-bye familiar six-period school day, board approves new high school schedule

Plan ahead Parents: two SVSD elementary schools get new start, end times next fall

Class of 2017: looking back at the History that Shaped the Journey

Teacher, students bring math to real life with Legos and new Mount Si High School

Local student design becomes new Marijuana Use Prevention Poster

Living Snoqualmie