‘Stand Up for Students, Sit Down for Breakfast’: help Friends of Youth get mental health counselor in every Snoqualmie Valley school

Do you know what Friends of Youth does and how it helps Snoqualmie Valley students? There’s a lot of good quietly happening thanks to the support of Friends of Youth. Here’s how they help….

Friends of Youth’s vision is “that all youth have every opportunity to succeed.”  They provide services designed to fulfill that vision, including therapeutic services for youth, young adults and their families to improve emotional stability and self-sufficiency.

They’ve been doing that work for 66 years and have 25 program sites located across 18 cities, including a North Bend location.

On October 25, 2017, Friend of Youth will host its big fundraising event that supports professional counseling services within Snoqualmie Valley schools – to make sure students are successful not only academically, but also emotionally and behaviorally.

Terry Pottmeyer, President & CEO, Friends of Youth said, “Over the last four years the funds raised through the Snoqualmie Youth and Family Services Breakfasts have provided much-needed counseling services in the Snoqualmie Valley School District. We are so pleased to be able to provide this accessible support for students, but we need to do more. Our goal is a counselor in every school in the District, because students learn best when they are emotionally healthy.”

The 5th Annual Youth and Family Services Breakfast – Stand Up for Students, Sit Down for Breakfast–  happens at Meadowbrook Farm Interpretive Center, 1711 Boalch Ave NW from 7AM – 8:30AM.

The event is open to all community members, you just need to register HERE by October 17th.  Proceeds from registration fee will be used to fund counseling services.








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