Fall City

Video: I-90/SR 18 improvement project update, Diverging Diamond Interchange savings helps widen SR 18

Gary Fancher announces candidacy for School Board, challenging longest tenured incumbent

‘100 Women who Care’ makes BIG donation to Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank

YMCA works to launch Host Homes Program to help homeless teens in Snoqualmie Valley

Mitchell Family Football Camp is back, benefits scholarship fund

Melissa Johnson announces will run for school board, challenge one-term incumbent

Letter | As Snoqualmie Valley Hospital looks to partner, merge, citizen forum keeps you informed

Caffeinate for a Cause: after losing best friend to domestic violence, Snoqualmie business owner giving back this Mother’s Day

Headlining this weekend: Mount Si Drama presents Shakespeare’s ‘As you Like it’

Searching for Forever Homes: Over 50 dogs up for adoption in Snoqualmie this weekend

How to fix the Mismatch: Washington students not educated enough for Washington jobs

SVSD Nurse named Washington State School Nurse of the Year

Snoqualmie Valley’s own Tinkham Road in concert, May 6th

Severe thunderstorms possible Thursday afternoon, evening

Small Fire reported at Mount Si High School, all students safely evacuated

Snoqualmie Valley Safety Fair Returns: Fire trucks, Police Cruisers, School Buses ready to roll in

Gone Fishing! Annual Kids Trout Derby happens this weekend

Living with the Bears: combating human-bear conflict with ‘Bear Smart-WA’

Clean out those Closets! Clothes for the Cause in downtown Snoqualmie this weekend, supports Mount Si Grad Night

School Board votes to renew superintendent’s contract though 2020, keeps big raise in place

Snoqualmie resident, Everclear lead guitarist Davey French prepares for band’s anniversary tour, Seattle show

Three Snoqualmie Valley Schools earn top state achievement award

Carnation Farmers Markets readies to Open for 2017 season

Snoqualmie offers Safe Drug Disposal for National Drug Take Back Day, April 29th

Living Snoqualmie