Hiker dies on Mt. Teneriffe after 100 foot fall

Good News! Improvements could come sooner to Dangerous I-90/SR 18 area

Clinton vs. Trump is all the news, but how about state elections? Candidates are coming to the Valley

Semi vs Pickup Truck(s) injury accident forces 4 hour closure of SR18 near I-90

WDFW seeks advisory committee candidates for the Snoqualmie Wildlife Area

Community event remembers 15th Anniversary of 9/11 with special Performances

Snoqualmie Elementary, PTSA Honored with National Recognition, ‘School of Excellence’

Teen falls 90 feet off Mount Si Haystack, suffers significant injuries

Timber Ridge Elementary opens on time, Brings many Snoqualmie Students ‘home’ for School

Fatal Motorcycle Crash closes westbound I-90 near Snoqualmie Pass Wednesday afternoon

North Bend says WSDOT Trucking Forum Nets Positive Results for Regional, Parking Issues

Police Blotter | Golf Course, Hockey mask-wearing Turf War; Not drunk, just full and tired; Domestic dispute with Baby formula

Start the School Year Safely: Bus stop Law refresher, speed limits, expect congestion around schools

New Traffic Circle planned for North Bend Way near Snoqualmie Casino

That’s a BIG Bear! Garbage Cans again attract Bear to Snoqualmie neighborhood

Look up! Boeing Classic kicks off with 747 Flying Low over Snoqualmie; Heavy Traffic expected at I-90/SR18 interchange all weekend

Improvements coming to North Bend intersection, easing traffic impact from nearby 100-home Development

Fired: Saga over controversial Snoqualmie Police Officer comes to a Close

As State exterminates Wolf pack, Pros, Cons of Wolf Reintroduction brought Center Stage

Letter | Citizen Academy: up Close, one-of-a-kind Way to Learn about City

Celebrating the Life of Sam Saimo: Mount Si Grad, Passionate Photographer, ‘Friend to All’

Living Snoqualmie