In their own Words: why I want to be Mayor of Snoqualmie

This is the first in a [hopeful] five-part series, written by each Snoqualmie Mayoral candidate, explaining their goals and vision if elected. Brad Toft authors this first guest article.

Five candidates have filed for the November general election, which means an August 1st primary will narrow the candidate field to the top two vote-getters. Primary ballots will be mailed beginning July 12th. They must be dropped off at ballot drop boxes (no postage necessary) or mailed by August 1st.  

Candidate Brad Toft: Prioritizing a “can-do” approach to Economic Development

For the first time in over a decade, Snoqualmie residents will have a choice when we go to vote for Mayor. I have chosen to run for office because I have a vision for our city. Across Snoqualmie, people believe the current administration has taken us as far as it can. Our city isn’t broken, but it’s become flat-footed and at times fails to listen. City Hall needs to be a place where ideas flourish rather than be smothered by lengthy accounts of how it’s always been done. We can start spending more time thinking about the future, and we should start right now.

This election is defined by the city’s challenges in regional cooperation and connecting with residents and businesses. There has been little from city hall on the topics of growth and the local economy. Recently, our city voted to raise property taxes. There are proposed tax increases on the ballot in King County this Fall. Some voters are having buyer’s remorse, wondering why growing tax revenues from the Puget Sound Region’s economic rush are still not enough to fund government budgets.

There are solutions to the challenges we face. Vision, setting priorities and listening to partners are where to start. As Mayor, I will reset the relationships with our regional partners like the Snoqualmie Tribe and city of North Bend so that we can make more progress on regional goals in the Snoqualmie Valley. And when it comes to the budget, I will ensure the city lives within its means, rather than rely on jumping from growth to growth with tax increases in between to make budgets balance. If we set priorities properly, we will have what we need to fund the things that matter most.

My top priority as Mayor will be taking a “can-do” approach to economic development. This will help existing businesses, and add businesses that improve citizens lives, create jobs, and broaden the city’s tax revenue. It is one of our defenses against property tax increases. Snoqualmie has room to grow, but growth should remain in character with this majestic place that has a wonderful history to retain.

It has been said the city is doing everything it can to grow our economy. Spending $10,000 on a study to build a $400,000 treehouse-visitor-center in downtown Snoqualmie is waste, not growth. As Mayor, I will repair the relationship with our existing businesses by developing common goals and sticking with them. In addition, I will lead the effort to recruit new businesses that are just the right fit for our future. I will look at every possible way we can speed up the process to stimulate our downtown, so it reaches its potential as the crown jewel tourism attraction of Snoqualmie.

There are plans in the works to expand the YMCA community center, which I support. The belief with the current leadership is tax hikes are needed to fund the construction. But the fact is if the city is willing to set priorities, it currently has the revenues to pay for the expansion without raising taxes. Other cities in our region re-prioritize spending based on needs, and if I am elected Mayor, Snoqualmie will start doing the same.

It is also important to mention that Snoqualmie parents are concerned about their children’s education, as well as their future. As Mayor and a parent with children in our public schools, I will join with our families to advocate for programming strategies that prepare our kids and give them options for their future.   

These issues, among others, should be the basis for an energetic discussion about the future of Snoqualmie that includes everyone. Progress should be protected and old assumptions can be challenged. I will lead our conversation on priorities, and engage the public so that we have a great future to aspire to.

I encourage you to reach out to me directly or visit to learn more about my positions on the opportunities facing Snoqualmie.  And I would appreciate your vote when ballots go in the mail July 12th.


~  Brad Toft

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  • Extremely misleading title… this is actually just an advertisement for a single candidate. It has nothing at all to do with “In their own Words:” Its should have been titled “In Brads Own Words”. The one sided nature of this article surprised me and I was disappointed to find only one view point.

    1. I couldn’t agree more and would add that Brad is a very shady person both personally and professionally.
      Please let’s hear all the candidates speak!

      1. As the introduction of this article states, this is the first in a 5-part series giving each candidate a chance to author a guest piece sharing their vision, goals for the city. Each candidate will be given the same opportunity and those articles will be posted over the next couple of weeks. Brad’s was just the first in the series.

    2. This is a five-part series with each of the five candidates being given an opportunity to explain their platforms. This is part one.

  • If he lied about having multiple degrees when has none, and he looked into the eyes of a judge and lied in an effort to cover up his past, how can we trust this guy? Did toft pay for the advertising on this page? Curious and couriouser!

    1. Everyone who advertises on this website pays for their ad space, including the three mayor candidates that have current ads.

  • Cover ups, courtside lies, tree-house nay sayer, broad promises of economic growth. Sounds like the same old – same old politician type Snoqualmie doesn’t need….

    Lets get someone with a vision that doesn’t look like Issaquah highlands

  • Quote from a Wells Fargo VP in a court case: As a result of that, and other issues regarding his performance, I
    and our Quadrant partner made the decision to involuntarily
    terminate Mr. Toft’s employment at Quadrant Home Loans in
    December 2006. Unfortunately in many respects he was my worst
    hire in 16 years of employment at Wells Fargo Bank.

  • A few people have asked me over the past couple of days what I think about some of the negativity that has arisen during this year’s political races in Snoqualmie. Some are confused by what appears to be hatred, and others are worried that what is happening nationally is starting to get traction in our small corner of the world, Snoqualmie.

    This is what I tell them: A requisite quality of a local leader is love of the community they serve. They love the area, its culture, but most importantly they really care about the people. If an elected leader truly loves the community they don’t ram through an agenda, rather he or she will listen to people and make sure the process for decision-making is fair. In addition to that, people who love the community don’t disparage the character of neighbors, even the ones who are candidates for public office. Finally, they don’t treat the staff of the city with disrespect, criticizing every action and never finding favor.

    Gleeful willingness to criticize is a sure sign that humility is absent. And if one is a candidate to become a public servant, humility is the requisite quality. I think if someone can be humble, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status, they can really serve their community well in any role.

  • If your professed stance is true, why then, were you sued for Defamation, and what was the outcome of your case?
    Why should voters disregard the very storied past of a candidate who has a history of breaking the law, as documented online, under the Washington State Courts system?
    Why is it okay to disregard the law, lie about being fired, disparage others to the point they sue for defamation, attack the voters for asking valid campaign questions, continue to not abide by PDC law, lie about your education, etc…
    Asking questions about your past, which is a matter for public concern, is not spreading negativity or running some smear campaign about you like you are eluding, there are valid concerns by people in the community, people who do care about their community, people have a right to know about our candidates, no one is arguing that everyone has a past, but you seem to be twisting things about your past in your favor over and over and over, when court documents say something different. Yes some of the court cases against you are 11 years old but some are also very recent. A persons charactar DOES guide their decisions.

  • A direct quote from Brad Toft via living snoqualmie October 14th :2015:
    “Public trust in government and other institutions is at critical lows. People who want to work in the political arena should have the highest goal of making government functional and transparent. They should also be able to understand the individual concerns of the people they serve–and serve with—and not be tone deaf to them.”

    Again Brad, if this is your proffesed stance, please answer the questions.

  • Living Snoqualmie