September 2021

Work Scheduled for Bendigo and Park Street Intersection on September 15th

Highlights of SVSD – Board of Directors Meeting – Sep 9, 2021

Business Comings: Mathnasium, Transforming the Way Kids Understand and Appreciate Math

Snoqualmie Valley Pets: Pandemic Pets Put Pressure on Already Overloaded Veterinary System

Living Snoqualmie’s Regional Reads: Jason Stellman’s Misfit Faith

Snoqualmie Casino Launches First Sportsbook in Washington State on Opening Day of the NFL Season

Plein Air Paint Out 2022 Poster Selected – “In the Moment”

Public Invited to Patriot Day Ceremony in Snoqualmie

Snoqualmie Valley Construction Delays

UPDATED: Short Work Week Starts with Search for Potentially Armed Suspects in North Bend

The Valley Vagabond: Adventures in Pandemic Travel, Ireland Edition (Part One)

Business Comings: Pearl & Stone Wine Co. Moves to a New Location

Bears: The Super Sleepers

King County Announces a New Data Dashboard that Tracks Covid-19 Risk for Unvaccinated People Vs. Vaccinated People

Obituary: Richard George Krona

Help the Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Land Movement by Collecting Observations While Out Hiking and Recreating

King County to Resurface, Repair Section of North Bend Way Near Snoqualmie Casino

Reinig Road Revetment Repair Project Lane Close Extended

Living Snoqualmie