Yesterday was a big day in the Living Snoqualmie office. We marked our 10-year anniversary.
When we made that first post on July 29, 2010, we had no idea what the website would become.
We do know one thing with absolute certainty, though. Living Snoqualmie works because of the community we serve.
Our readers don’t just read. They share their stories with us – and trust us to re-tell them. They message us breaking information, photos and videos. They help keep us connected.
10 years of community effort has allowed this website to become successful – and allowed us along the way to keep writing about the place we love to live.
We’ve seen and learned a lot over the past decade. We’ve had some tragedies, yes, but there were also happy human interest stories.
We watched the Snoqualmie Valley emerge from a recession in 2010 only to face a pandemic in 2020.
We watched the housing market tank and then skyrocket again.
We watched new businesses come and some old businesses go or change hands.
We watched small towns grow and deal with associated growing pains.
We watched school board, city council and mayoral seats change hands – some by election, others due to tragedy.
We watched new neighborhoods, new schools, a new community center, new parks, new fire stations and new city halls go up.
We also watched historic buildings restored to their original glory.
We watched film crews and celebrities come to town.
We watched the Snoqualmie Tribe buy back some of its ancestral land.
We watched SnoPo boundaries push east to include the streets of North Bend.
We watched North Bend slowly become the roundabout capital of Washington.
We watched Snoqualmie Ridge near completion.
Along the way we’ve also tried to also share the history of the Snoqualmie Valley, so new residents can understand its roots.
So thank you, Snoqualmie Valley. What started as a hobby grew into a business. And it became a small business because of both community and local business support.
~ The Living Snoqualmie Team

And thanks for providing a service that provides quick, detailed, and factual information!
You mean the world to us locals. Viable information that may go past too many of us. Thanks for everything.