Guest Articles

Bringing Home Bee | Through Wildfire, Dust and Wind Storm

Advice from the Pet Expert: Introducing New Dog to a Resident Cat

Bringing Home Puppy | New Puppy Gear Tips

Keeping Pets Safe in Summer: Important Hot Weather, Fireworks Tips

The Last Day of School for Moms… Excitement, Dread or Fear?

Letting go of Lola | Dealing with the Death of your Dog

Proper Poop Etiquette | Types of Pet Poop People, a Satire Years in the Making

Confessions of a Bellevue Transplant: Learning to Live Harmoniously with Pets and Wildlife in the Valley

Snoqualmie Ridge Home Prices Nearing All Time High

Three Forks Dog Park: Ten Things Humans Do Wrong at the Off-Leash Dog Park

Three AWESOME Bike Rides for Kids – in and near the Snoqualmie Valley

Does your Pooch Come when Called? How to Have a Reliable Recall with your Dog

The Plight of the Pit Bull: Maligned, Misidentified and Banned

Drum Roll Please: Most Popular Dog Breeds in Snoqualmie Valley, and Across Country

Where Can My Dog Go? Pet Friendly Valley Businesses and Places Where Fido will get the Boot

Chance to Meet the Karelian Bear Dogs in Person, January 2nd

Lurking Dangers: Top Holiday Risks for Family Pets

Fido Wrapped up with a Bow on Top | The Do’s and Don’ts of Giving a Pet as a Holiday Gift

One Dog Trainers Path to Positive Training, No More Fear and Force

The Halloween ‘Do’s-and-Don’ts’ for Dogs and Cats

Meet Moe, Learn from His Tragic Story

Stop the Barking! The Barking ‘Burb’ Dog Blog

Canine Trail Etiquette: Walking with your Dog on Woodland Trails

Master Gardeners: It’s HOT Out There… Water Wisely

Living Snoqualmie