
Overturned Semi at SR-18 Westbound Creates Traffic Distraction Thursday Morning

Laconia Market & Cafe, Snoqualmie Pass’ First Grocery Store, to Open Fall of 2021

A Letter from the Snoqualmie Firefighters Association: Pancake Breakfast Cancelled for 2021

Dry Spell Continues with Warmer Temperatures Coming

Living Snoqualmie’s Regional Reads: Chris Fagan’s The Expedition

Mt. Si Senior Center to re-open August 2nd

Covid-19 Cases Increasing in King County: Public Health Says Vaccination Continues to be Our Best Protection

Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban Begins October 1st in Washington

Encompass Unveils Its Purpose-Built Child Development Center

Carnation Farms Presents a Brand New Wine and Beer Festival to Fundraise for 2022 Culinary Training Program

Snoqualmie Fire Department Responds to a Chimney Fire at The Salish Lodge & Spa

The Age of Aquarius Dawns at the North Bend Theatre this weekend, July 23-25, with Limited Screenings of Summer of Soul.

Ethics Examiner Rules Snoqualmie Councilmember and Mayoral Candidate Peggy Shepard Violated Ethics Code; Issues a Letter of Censure

North Bend Citywide Weed Removal and Property Maintenance Effort to Prevent Wildfires

Welcome Back Old Friend: Sip, Suds & [Little] Si Event Returns to Downtown North Bend

First Female Grizzly Bear Captured, Radio Collared, and Released Onsite in Washington

The City of Duvall Issues a Call to Visual Artists to Create a Main Street Art Wall

City Council Places Snoqualmie Proposition 1 on November Ballot: Sales and Use Tax Increase for Transportation Improvements

Business Comings: Britt Greenland Fine Art Comes to North Bend

Eastside Fire & Rescue Extinguish a House Fire on Mt. S Road

Snoqualmie City Hall Reopens to the Public on a Limited Basis. Masks Still Required

Highway 18 to be Closed July 9-11

Living Snoqualmie Regional Reads: The Spies Next Door Christina & Ryan Hillsberg

Business Comings: Sanctuary has its Grand Opening in North Bend

Living Snoqualmie