Wind, Wind Go Away, Come Again Some Other Place – Besides Snoqualmie!

Note to Mother Nature.  CC to La Nina.  Okay.  Point taken.  Somewhere along the line you heard me doubting the weather guys.  Saying they were hyping the La Nina story.  Punishment taken.  Hardly any sleep for the past two nights.  Can it stop now?

Mother Nature is a powerful lady.  If the latter part of fall is an accurate predictor for the winter I will admit La Nina can indeed have a profound effect on our weather here in Snoqualmie.  For those of you with bedrooms on the east sides of your homes… I am sorry and I feel your pain.

Weather seems to be the big topic around town the past couple weeks – or even month.  We started out November with some strong gap winds that sent our temperatures soaring to record highs.  75 degrees on November 3rd.  Two weeks later we got more wind – along with the rest of the Puget Sound region – knocking out power to 150,000 homes.  Repairs were made right in time for record cold temperatures.  Thanksgiving week saw a snow storm that made all major freeways virtual parking lots.   The snow stopped. The skies cleared allowing the arctic air (Thanks, Canada!) to drop temperatures into the single digits in places.

I missed the frigid temperatures.  And I did not enjoy the snow like I usually do.  The snow finally stopped falling around 3AM, November 23rd.  Right as we climbed in the car and battled our way to the airport for a Mexican vacation.  We made it there on a half-inch of compact snow and ice.  It was just us, stalled and deserted cars and the DOT snowplows.  We returned this past Friday night to High Wind Warnings.   Seems Mother Nature was saying goodbye and hello to us in her own special way.

As far as wind events go in the valley, this one seemed long.  Almost two whole days… and nights!  Personally I can handle the days better than the nights.  The wind was loud this time.  Howling relentlessly on our bedroom windows.   Vibrating the gutters so loudly I am sure the eerie noise woke the neighbors.  Outdoor benches tipped over that always stay standing.  The gusts must have reached 50MPH.

Winter begins in a couple of weeks.  Note to La Nina.  Give me the snow – WITHOUT the wind.  Please.  I promise not to leave town again.

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  • We saved all of our beautiful trees many, many years ago, but makes me think I may be needing to have some of them topped. My big home actually shook!

  • Living Snoqualmie