What’s that Piano doing in the Park? New idea from Snoqualmie Parks Dept.

Love to play piano? Love to be outdoors?  Well then, the Snoqualmie Parks Department has a surprise for you…. something you may have already noticed and wondered, “How’d that get there?”

This week the Parks Department placed a piano in the Railroad Park Gazebo, which is located downtown near the corner of King Street and Railroad Ave/SR 202.  [The gazebo recently got a new roof – so there’s no danger of unforeseen leaks leading to possible piano damage.]

The City says the piano is for the whole community to enjoy and all ages are invited to play anything from Chopsticks to Beethoven  – and it will be there all summer.

Parks Crew Chief Larry White helped sparked the Piano in the Park idea after coming across a donated upright piano. As an added bonus you can enter to win a dinner for two at the Woodman Lodge by sending a YouTube video of yourself, friend or family member playing the Gazebo piano to Larry White at lwhite@ci.snoqulamie.wa.us by August 31st.



Piano at the Gazebo
Piano in the Railroad Park Gazebo in downtown Snoqualmie.

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  • There is a lovely bird and moon sculpture on the corner (in a column form) by the gazebo but I missed seeing the artist’s name and the title of the work. Would you, please, let me know?
    Thank you!

  • I have just recently noticed the piano is now removed I was wondering why and another thing is I have recently seen parents let their child jump on the piano and it’s just really sad to see that they let them just trash that nice piano

  • […] This is the exact gazebo where they shot the scene as the details from the roof support and white railing match. I’ve been unable to locate any historic photos of the gazebo but I its roof was replaced in 2016. […]

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