If you were traveling westbound I-90 heading near Issaquah Tuesday evening and experienced a traffic standstill, a sad accident involving a vehicle and bear was to blame.
According to the Washington State Patrol (WSP), a vehicle struck a bear cub on westbound I-90 near Issaquah’s Front Street exit around 5:30PM, November 25, 2014, blocking the right two lanes and causing a traffic backup. The roadway was re-opened within 15 minutes of the collision.
WSP said via social media that Washington State Fish and Wildlife Officers were called to assist and the bear cub was alive and placed in the back of a trooper’s vehicle.
The Fish and Wildlife Officer officer responded; WSP Trooper Porter and several citizens helped with the injured animal. WSP Trooper, Chris Webb, tweeted that he hoped the bear cub would be okay, but then sadly had to report the bear cub did not survive its injuries.

It is a crying shame it had to be a bear instead of one of these idiot leotard sporting cyclists. My sympathy for the bear.
Sadly, I just saw a dead adult bear on I90 about mp 30 going eastbound to North Bend on Sunday afternoon. That’s 2 in 2 days