Top Ten Snoqualmie Valley Photos of 2020 (According to Instagram)

The end of the year is all about top ten lists. I would do “Living Snoqualmie’s Top 10 Stories of 2020,” but they were all Covid related and who needs more of that? So, in addition to our “Sum Up 2020 in a Photo” contest, we’re trying something new.

As many readers know, the active Living Snoqualmie Instagram page shares many photos of the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley… most of them are from local photographers, we take a few, and some are from stories on the page.

At the end of this year, we tracked the total “likes” of all photos shared on Instagram – as compiled within their insights – to rank the top 10 photos.

We hope people will continue to share photos with us in 2021 on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook– message them to any of our social media platforms or email

Here are the 10 Most Liked Instagram Photos for 2020

10) Blitz, the Seahawks Mascot, raising Dr. Mike’s new 12th man freeway flag, 9/13/2020 (also the #1 clicked story on Instagram)

Photo Credit: Mike Treuting

9)  Sunset at Meadowbrook Farm by Don Detrick, 6/12/2020

8)  Rainbows on a Fine Spring Day by Don Detrick, 5/30/2020

7)  Summer Sunset Reflection by Don Detrick, 8/10/2020

6) Christmas Tree at the Salish Lodge, photo courtesy of the lodge, 12/4/2020

5)  Comet Neowise from Snoqualmie Point Park by Gary Anderson, 7/11/2020

4)  Comet Neowise reflection by Gary Anderson,7/18/2020

3)  Sunny River by Living Snoqualmie, 07/26/2020

2)  Rattlesnake Ledge View, by Alberthbyang, 6/28/2020

1)  4th of July, by Valerie Pacheco, July 5th, 2020

[Note the date on the photos is the date shared to Instagram, not the date taken]

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  • Thank you all for sharing your wondeful photographic talents! Indeed, we are all so fortunate to live in and get to share our beautiful Valley. We indeed have been blessed on have have these sights we take for granted around us this past miserable year of 2020!!

  • Living Snoqualmie