Last week the Northwest Railway Museum announced that Thomas the Tank Engine has cancelled his annual appearance in Snoqualmie due to concerns about COVID-19 pandemic.
This is will be the first absence of the popular A Day out with Thomas event in the Snoqualmie Valley in nearly two decades. The event was scheduled for mid July and draws attendees from around the Puget Sound region.
Advance ticket holders will receive refunds over the next two weeks via ‘TicketWeb.’
According to the cancellation announcement: “The Museum’s first priority is the health and safety of guests, volunteers, and staff members. Recent developments include an increasing rate of infection, and strongly suggests a large family event is inadvisable at this time.”
Day Out With Thomas ™ has been held in Snoqualmie since 2002. It features a replica of Thomas the Tank Engine, Thomas and Friends-themed activities, railway motor car rides, live music and more.
The Museum looks forward to welcoming Thomas the Tank Engine back to Snoqualmie in July 2021.
The NW Railway Museum commented:
The cancellation of Day Out With Thomas ™ 2020 is a great disappointment for everyone at the Northwest Railway Museum, but there is much excitement in looking ahead to reopening. As the Governor’s Safe Start directive advances to the next phase, the Northwest Railway Museum will again welcome visitors back for train excursions, heritage railroading experiences, and fun new events. All of these activities will be designed for families and guests of all ages while practicing proper social distancing and health guidelines, including the use of masks for staff and guests alike. The Museum is planning to make announcements later in July about upcoming events that include inaugural runs of Northern Pacific Railway locomotive 924, the 1899-built Rogers steam locomotive that has been undergoing restoration for five years. The Northwest Railway Museum is looking forward to seeing you when its doors reopen and trains begin operating again!
The Museum was founded in 1957 and is the largest railway museum in Washington State. It serves more than 130,000 visitors per year, and is known for popular family programs including Santa Train®, School Train, Day Out With Thomas™, Halloween Storytelling Train and Snoqualmie Railroad Days – along with regular spring through fall weekend train excursions.

Probably for the best. After all, Thomas turned 75 this year, and like all steam engines is a bit hypertensive.