Support Transfer of Snoqualmie Parkway Maintenance Costs to the State – Comment Today

The Washington State Transportation Commission is accepting public comments until June 30 on a proposal to transfer jurisdiction of Snoqualmie Parkway from the City of Snoqualmie to the Washington State Dept. of Transportation (WSDOT). 

Snoqualmie residents are encouraged to submit letters of support for the City’s request to transfer Snoqualmie Parkway and its ongoing maintenance responsibilities to the State. Email comments to TransC@WSTC.WA.GOV or PO Box 47308, Olympia, WA 98504-7308.

If the Transportation Commission approves the transfer, Snoqualmie Parkway would formally become part of State Route 18, and financial responsibility for future roadway repairs and ongoing maintenance would be that of the State rather than our Snoqualmie taxpayers. 

The City submitted the jurisdiction transfer request last year based on the results of a study that reported Snoqualmie Parkway played a critical role in facilitating the movement of freight and goods across the Puget Sound region, acting as a bypass route for regional traffic from outside the City to access SR 18. This key finding makes Snoqualmie Parkway eligible for transfer. 

The potential transfer would not increase traffic on Snoqualmie Parkway. Instead, the jurisdiction transfer would address existing traffic and the financial burden of maintaining a regional traffic facility. 

Last month the Washington State Transportation Commission approved preliminary findings showing that the City’s request met established criteria for transferring routes between the State and cities. 

This transfer is critical to shifting the financial responsibility of Snoqualmie Parkway’s ongoing maintenance to the State, the primary roadway user. This summer, the City is making $3.5 million in repairs to Snoqualmie Parkway that would have been completely funded by the City of Snoqualmie, taxpayers if not for a one-time state grant. 

Comment letters for the City’s request to transfer Snoqualmie Parkway and its ongoing maintenance responsibilities to the State must be received by June 30. You can email comments to TransC@WSTC.WA.GOV or PO Box 47308, Olympia, WA 98504-7308.

Next Steps for the Snoqualmie Parkway Jurisdiction Transfer Request:

  • May – July: Public input on preliminary findings is gathered from interested parties.
  • August – September: Possible public hearing held.
  • September – December: Transportation Commission issues final determination and recommendation and drafts a bill for the upcoming legislative session.

For more information about the City of Snoqualmie’s jurisdiction transfer request for Snoqualmie Parkway, visit the Washington State Transportation Commission.

[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]

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  • Beware Those Bearing Gifts. I remember that the Parkway was originally planned as an extension of SR18 which would then become Interstate 605 providing a route through the valley joining Interstate 5 somewhere north of where Interstate 405 currently connects (Wikipedia has a map of what was planned in 1998). Strongly suggest making sure that WSDOT’s maintenance of the Parkway would not allow them to unilaterally revive such a process.

  • I cannot help but think that my house value may be negatively impacted by algorithms that will incorporate a new proximity to a state highway, over the existing Snoqualmie Parkway…?

  • Living Snoqualmie