Snoqualmie Valley School Bond Loses By One Vote – Every Vote Does Indeed Count!

Yes, Snoqualmie Valley, we are the official poster child for the old voting saying, “Every Vote Counts.”

With tonight’s February 8th Special Election final result update, the SVSD school bond lost by one single vote.  The final YES vote percentage stands at 59.99%!  A heartbreaking loss for bond supporters and volunteers.  And for all the non-voters and no voters – just a precursor for another school bond in the very near future.  The election result will be certified by King County Elections tomorrow, February 23rd.

No word if a re-count will be requested and funded.  There’s a big sigh in the Snoqualmie Valley tonight.  My friend and school bond supporter summed it up best with,  “I feel like I am going to cry.”  Back to the drawing board for SVSD officials…..

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  • YIKES…as a gma and supporter of Snoqualmie Valley “forever”, I am so sorry and saddened.

  • Living Snoqualmie