The Snoqualmie Valley community is invited to a public hearing about the proposed Snoqualmie Mill Site Planned Commercial/Industrial (PCI) Plan Application on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 4 pm via Zoom.
The public hearing will be held before a Hearing Examiner, who will provide participants no more than 5 minutes for oral testimony.
At the discretion of the Hearing Examiner, public comment time could be reduced to less than 5 minutes per participant.

Those wishing to provide written public comments may email Gwyn Berry ( for transmittal to the Hearing Examiner.
Written comments must be received by 4 pm, March 30, 2022. Please note the email subject line: “Snoqualmie Mill Site Planned Commercial/Industrial (PCI) Plan.”
Mill Site Plan Application Public Hearing Zoom Meeting Details:
- March 30, 2022, 4pm
- Webinar ID: 818 6568 6300
- Passcode: 178627
The applicant (Snoqualmie Mill Ventures, LLC [SMV]) is seeking City approval of a Planned Commercial/Industrial (PCI) Plan, which proposes the development of the 261-acre Snoqualmie Mill Site in three major phases/planning areas over an approximate 10- to 15-year period.
Buildout would include a total of approximately 1.83 million gross square feet of light industrial/manufacturing, warehouse, office, retail/restaurant, and residential uses.
The proposed PCI Plan includes requests for several deviations from development standards in the Zoning Code.
The applicant will enter into a development agreement with the City for the project to guide subsequent planning and development of the overall site in accordance with the Snoqualmie Mill PCI Plan.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]
I’m excited about this project! The development will provide so many new opportunities for the valley.
Sounds like industrial area in snowualmie not far from densely populated area would cause more air pollution and more deforestation and more loss of habitat for wildlife.
My family plans to ride bikes to enjoy the new businesses and open spaces along the river. Not sure how deforestation is an issue on an industrial site that is open scrub land with cars racing around a large portion of it. The site plans of the development I’ve reviewed show great forest corridors and restored wetlands. Really almost half the site is an island surrounded by a man made lake which could never be developed.
Hopefully the city will require the developer to make infrastructure upgrades with all the new traffic it will bring
I hope your family enjoys riding in traffic because there is no curb, sidewalk or shoulder on any of the roads in the surrounding neighborhood. Next to no infrastructure is precisely why this project should be rejected until the proper infrastructure is provided. Oh, and don’t forget about the giant trucks that you will encounter throughout the industrial area currently located between the site and the falls!