Around 2:30AM, February 19, 2015, Snoqualmie Ridge IGA Store Director, Jessica Brookman, said what appeared to be two teenage suspects, attempted to break-in to the supermarket using a large rock.
Brookman said the store has the suspects on surveillance video taken by cameras located along the store’s exterior – cameras that were installed just a few years ago after vandals burned paper signs from the font of the store and tipped over and broke some expensive potted plants.
Brookman said according to the surveillance video, the two suspects (with hoods hiding their faces) approached the front of the store with a large rock. One of the suspects heaved the rock into the window of the front door, shattering one of the glass panes.
Probably thinking the rock had broken though both panes of the double-paned glass, one of the suspects attempted to “dive through” the hole – only to be met by the unbroken window pane that stood undamaged.
Karma? Brookman said the suspect was met by some pretty good resistance from the layer of window still remaining, bounced off the glass and stood up disoriented. Both suspects then fled the scene on the store’s north side, the same way they were seen approaching on the surveillance video.
Jessica said Snoqualmie Police officers responded, did a sweep of the store and found it clear. The door was patched with cardboard and wood while it awaits a final repair.
In frustration, the store posted a short description of the event on their Facebook page Thursday morning. Jessica said she loves the store where she’s worked for nearly four years and is striving to make it something special – so it’s hard to see it “disrespected.”
She explained that she let the store’s customers know about the break-in attempt “in hopes…we can all be more mindful and diligent on what the kids in the neighborhood are up to.”
Jessica said she just wants parents to know that even if their kids weren’t involved, there are kids out there doing these types of things (stealing, vandalizing) in the community.
For the past few years, as a preventative shoplifting measure, students entering the Snoqualmie Ridge IGA are required to leave bags and backpacks at the front of the store. During that time, the store has still reported multiple incidents involving teenage appearing suspects stealing beer and other items.

Terrible that someone would try to break-in but I think everyone would like to see that security tape!