Snoqualmie Parkway Paving Takes Place the Week of Aug. 28: Plan Ahead for Back-to-School

Contractor crews working for the City of Snoqualmie are nearing completion of the full repaving of Snoqualmie Parkway and are scheduled to pave the southwest lanes of the 3.5-mile-long roadway the week of Aug. 28. 


Paving work is scheduled Monday–Thursday from 7 am to 5:30 pm. Work is weather-dependent and subject to change. Traffic delays are expected, and drivers should plan for extra travel time.   

Crews will begin paving on Monday, Aug. 28, near Railroad Ave/SR 202 and work toward SE 99th Street near I-90 over the week. They are scheduled to spend the first two workdays paving the outside southwest lane of Snoqualmie Parkway and then move to the inside southwest lane on days three and four. 

Due to rain delays in early August, this paving will overlap with the start of the school year. City and contractors are trying to mitigate impacts to the school district, students, and families. Still, with a project of this size and importance, potential delays cannot be fully mitigated. For student safety, the City will provide police officers to support contractor traffic control crews at intersections where students cross Snoqualmie Parkway to access school buses or buildings.

The City continues to urge drivers to plan for extra travel time. Families who drive Snoqualmie Parkway to access school buildings can consider alternate routes – depending on the paving schedule locations – and allow extra time to reach their destinations. 

See the baseline paving schedule map below, and please note segment start and end points may change due to weather and other factors. This map is available to assist drivers with general route planning.  

Options for Timber Ridge Elementary School (TRES) Families:

  • Walk if possible or use school buses to reduce the number of cars on Snoqualmie Parkway.
  • Use SE Jacobia Street to access TRES. Deer Park neighborhood residents can use Swenson Drive to Swing Ave to Jacobia as an alternate route to TRES.
  • Heights neighborhood families can consider parking on Douglas Ave near Snoqualmie Parkway and using the Snoqualmie Parkway walking path to access TRES.

Options for Mount Si High School Students and Families:

  • Consult the paving schedule map, and depending on the construction location, consider alternative side streets to access Snoqualmie Parkway or consider eastbound I-90 to exit 27 as an alternative route to downtown Snoqualmie. 
  • Carpool or use school buses to reduce cars on Snoqualmie Parkway.
  • Plan for extra travel time. 

The City continues to appreciate residents’ patience and understanding while completing this important roadway improvement project. 

Parkway Rehabilitation Project
Rehabilitating the pavement and intersection ADA ramps and curbs of the 3.5-mile-long Snoqualmie Parkway is an important City capital improvement project. The approximately $3.75 million, three-month project began the week of June 19 and is being funded by a one-time state appropriation. 

Stay Connected 
Follow the City of Snoqualmie on FacebookInstagramNextdoor, and Twitter for updates about weather delays and traffic impacts related to this project. Residents can also sign up for the City of Snoqualmie E-News here or for news releases and other notifications via the website Notify Me system. 

More information: Snoqualmie Parkway Rehabilitation Project page

Click here for the Baseline Paving Schedule Map PDF Version

[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]

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  • Not to forget the closure of the ED-90 ramp from SR-18 for those coming east on SR-18. Big detours.

  • They waited too long to start this, and the first stages took WAY too long to complete. Now they’ve still got 1 of the westbound lanes largely unpaved, and the rains are coming. It’s anybody’s guess whether they’ll get this done before next summer. Yet another clown-show of a roads project.

  • Living Snoqualmie