Snoqualmie Calls for Volunteers for Committees on Upcoming Public Safety Levy Vote

On August 6, 2024, residents of Snoqualmie will vote on Proposition 1, a proposal to increase the city’s sales and use tax by 0.1% to fund essential public safety services like police, fire, and emergency medical services.

Joining the Debate on Proposition 1

King County Elections requires the city to form committees to argue for and against Proposition 1. The city is looking for residents to join these groups. Once selected, these committees will operate independently from the city government to create written arguments published in the King County Voter’s Pamphlet for the August vote. These statements must be submitted by May 14.

Why the Levy is Proposed

This winter, facing rising costs due to inflation, the Snoqualmie City Council proposed the Public Safety Sales Tax Levy instead of increasing property taxes. This strategy also allows the city to gather funds from tourists, not just local residents.

The additional tax would mean that for every $1,000 spent in Snoqualmie on non-exempt items, an extra dollar would go toward public safety. This levy could raise about $226,000 in 2025.

Potential Impact of the Tax Increase

If passed, the total sales tax rate in Snoqualmie would rise to 9.2%, which remains below most other King County cities. The new rate would start on January 1, 2025. The revenue from this increase would exclusively support existing public safety services, including costs related to personnel like hiring, training, and equipping public safety professionals.

How to Get Involved

Residents interested in advocating for or against the levy should apply online by 5 p.m. on April 21, 2024. The King County Elections Jurisdiction Manual provides further details on the roles and responsibilities of committee members.

[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]

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  • It would really be nice to see detailed analysis on this. Since sales tax goes up with purchases with go up with inflation a true need for more funding would imply that costs at the city are going even faster than inflation.

  • Living Snoqualmie