Snoqualmie Bear Sightings Continue To Rise – Police Request Residents Call 911 For Each Sighting

Bear activity has increased in Snoqualmie neighborhoods as they look for food following winter.  There have been no conflicts between humans and bears in Snoqualmie, but you may want to review safety tips for living in neighborhoods that have black bears are posted on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website.

The Snoqualmie Police Department requests that the public call 911 for each bear sighting.  Operators will dispatch Snoqualmie police to the location.  The police want to track bear activity and already work closely with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Office regarding bear sighting.

Proper garbage management is the most important thing to discourage bear activity.  Keep garbage cans with tight-fitting lids in a shed, garage or fenced area.  Put garbage containers out for collection shortly before the truck arrives—not the night before.   A detailed list of tips for managing garbage is also posted on the WDFW black bear fact sheet.

In June, garbage and recycle collection will change from Allied Waste to Waste Management.  Upon request, WM will provide the option of wildlife-proof garbage containers.  The container is free; the collection service is and additional $3.13 per month..  Waste Management will provide more information about this service option in May.

Bears spotted last week in a Snoqualmie Ridge neighborhood

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  • Just a note that I ran into a large Black Bear with a good sized cub Sunday the 24th on the raging river right under where I-90 crosses over it. They wandered off but surprised me a bit. Thought you may want give others a heads up, it’s gold hunting season till September 15th out there.

  • I had a very large Black Bear in my back yard this morning. After an hour of climbing a tree he got down looked around and headed off down the path.

  • Living Snoqualmie