It was a bit of a ‘proud papa’ night for Snoqualmie Police Chief Perry Phipps at the February 24, 2020 city council meeting when he got the opportunity to formally recognize two ‘SnoPo’ officers who both recently received some special honors.
First up was Officer Jayce Gutzler who found out two weeks ago he was voted Best Police Officer in 425 Magazine’s 2020 Best of 425 awards. The annual contest lets readers vote in many Eastside categories like theaters, museums, restaurants and more. He will be featured in the 425 May issue.
Gutzler has been with SPD for almost two years and in law enforcement for 11 years, including serving on the North Sound Metro SWAT team and the Eastside Narcotics Task Force.
Next up was Officer Rick Cary who also serves in the Air National Guard and is preparing to deploy to Jordan where he will serve until November. Carey recently was honored with the 2019 Air National Guard Non-Commissioned Officer award for his outstanding achievements and leadership in a security force of more than 10,000 citizen-airmen.
Officer Carey will return to the Snoqualmie Police Department – where he has served for nine years – when the deployment to Jordan finishes.
Chief Phipps proudly commented on the two awards, saying, “I think that’s pretty impressive for an agency as small as we are.”

Just my opinion some of the police here do their jobs very well are caring and really want to help people in the community they DO NOT LET THE BADGE GET TO THERE HEAD because they have a good captain, but there is always a bad apple in every batch, that take the badge and think they are better than anyone else and go further than they need to. For example, showing your child your past arrest record or making your past a reason to harass you and your family, since when is it OK for an officer just to show your child your record. That should be up to the parent when they feel the time is right. I just feel if we have to be held accountable for our actions so should some of the police but they are not and they know who they are, but again that is not all of them so to the police that are doing there jobs like they are regular people who really care. Thank You because without you guys this community would not be as strong as it is.
I think seattel times did a story about him ?? didn’t they ???
Is this the same jayce Gutzler who used to be an officer in Lynnwood .