Share Your Vision for Snoqualmie in a New Survey

To share your vision for the City on housing, roads, parks, environment, and more, take a new Community Priority Survey to help guide the City in a Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) update. 

Required by the Washington State Growth Management Act, the Comp Plan outlines goals and policies for managing growth in Snoqualmie while protecting residents’ health, welfare, and quality of life. Your involvement in the process ensures the plan reflects the community’s shared values, desires, and goals. 

Take the survey with the following QR code:

 What Is a Comprehensive Plan?

This 20-year plan guides future development, policies affecting housing and economic development, and City spending on parks, roads, public safety, and more. It directs all City departments toward a common vision that Snoqualmie community members wish to leave for future generations. 

The Comp Plan update is a two-year process. In 2023, the City will collect input and draft much of the plan. In 2024, the legislative process will take place, and the City Council will adopt the plan at the end of the year.

Keep posted on Comp Plan updates – sign up for notifications at

If you have any questions, email CompPlanComments@snoqualmie.wa.

Learn more about the Comp Plan update

[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]

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  • I definitely encourage all city residents to participate. The comprehensive plan has a huge impact on what our city will be like in 5, 10, 20 years. What kind of a town do you want to live in, and what kind of town do you want your children to grow up in? Do you want Snoqualmie to be big or small? Do you want the city to have a large or small population growth? Do you want a lot more businesses or a few more? Be sure to make your voice heard!

  • Living Snoqualmie