Today’s 3rd Annual Cinco de Mayo Half Marathon and 8K Race went off without a hitch through streets of the Snoqualmie Valley. The Cinco de Mayo race is one of many races put on by Run Snoqualmie, owned by local marathon runner, Sean Sundwall.
Sean utilizes the help of his family, sponsors and volunteers to organize and execute all Run Snoqualmie events. Today’s race drew about 1,000 participants from all over the region and as far away as Chicago. Sean’s wife, Maura, says 1,000 runners is about a perfect size for the family-run race operation; noting that their Mill Creek friends put on races which now draw close to 2,000 runners at some events. Maura says once races get this large, they almost become their own “beast” to organize and operate. This was the first year rain held off for most of the Cinco de Mayo race – only a light rain started toward the end of the half marathon.
The top male runner finished the half marathon in 1 hour and 10 minutes. The top female finisher posted a time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. You should be able to see all race results this afternoon on the Run Snoqualmie website.
The festivities continue this afternoon at race sponsor Ana’s Mexican Restaurant on Snoqualmie Ridge. Owner Anna Sotelo says there are drink specials all day in the “Beer Tent” as well as a Jalapeno Eating Contest beginning at 1PM and a Taco Eating Contest which follows – $5 entry fee applies.

A great, well-organized race! Thanks Sundwall family!