Ridge Pharmacy Officially Open for Business, Snoqualmie No Longer without Full-Service Pharmacy

It took a few months longer than planned, but it appears Snoqualmie has a pharmacy once again. The city had been without a pharmacy since July 2013 when Village Pharmacy closed its doors.

The new Ridge Pharmacy, located inside Snoqualmie Ridge IGA Supermarket at 7730 Center Blvd, officially opened for business Monday, September 22, 2014.

Originally, owner Darren Augenstein had hoped to open by early summer, but insurance red tape slowed the process.

Darren said what was delaying the opening for so long was waiting for the Washington Health Care Authority to approve their application and grant the pharmacy a Medicaid Provider ID. Without this important Medicaid Provider ID, the pharmacy could have been at risk of being excluded from many insurance networks.

The approval process ran its course, though, and all other needed insurance and governmental applications are complete – and at last, Snoqualmie has a full-service pharmacy within the city limits again.

Augenstein also owns one other pharmacy, SeattleMeds, in the First Hill neighborhood of Seattle and has family living in Snoqualmie.

Ridge Pharmacy is open Monday – Friday from 9AM – 7PM and on Saturday from 10AM – 2PM.  For more information visit their Facebook page or www.ridgepharmacy.com.  They can be reached at 425.363.2960

Ridge Pharmacy






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