Recreational Marijuana Stores Opening Soon, State Launches ‘Drive High, Get a DUI’ Campaign, Summer Emphasis Patrols

Washington is borrowing some marijuana education materials from Colorado, attempting to use some comedy to get through to residents that although recreational pot may be legal – and stores selling marijuana are opening soon – it is still illegal to drive while high – and will land those that try with a DUI.

With marijuana retail stores slated to open across the state in early July, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) is launching a campaign to remind those planning on patronizing the new businesses that driving high is illegal. The campaign is called Drive High, Get a DUI.

Drive High, Get a DUI, also coinciding with summer DUI emphasis patrols which launch July 1st, feature three 30-second television commercials to remind communities statewide that it is illegal to drive high.

The Colorado Department of Transportation produced and aired the commercials in Colorado earlier this year when recreational marijuana became legal there.

YouTube Screenshot: Legal to Install TV high, not to Drive to get a New One
YouTube Screenshot: Legal to Install TV high, not to Drive to get a New One

Washington’s Initiative 502 did not provide funding for public education prior to legalization,  but the WTSC believes this campaign is critical to help prevent impaired driving – so it helped find funding for statewide education.

The ads take a somewhat funny approach, showing individuals attempting activities while high, while pointing out that although it’s now legal to do these activities high, it is still NOT legal to drive under the influence of marijuana.

The TV ads and all extra DUI patrols are part of Target Zero—striving to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in Washington by 2030. For more information, visit

You can see the ads here:

Earlier this month, the City of Issaquah City Council approved recreational marijuana retail regulations, paving the way for a future recreational marijuana store in one of the city’s commercial areas.

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