Q13 News Shines Light on Positives of Neighborhood Blogs, Including Living Snoqualmie

Just as I unintentionally ran smack dab into the Snoqualmie Police arresting the suspected U-haul burglars last week, I ran smack dab into a local TV news interview last night.

Q13 News was back out in Snoqualmie last night doing a follow up story on Tia Borgioli, the woman who noticed and alerted Snoqualmie Police to a suspicious U-haul in her Deer Park neighborhood last week.  Little did she know that one suspect would point a gun at her.

Luckily, she was unharmed, called 911 and within minutes at least five  Snoqualmie Police vehicles were on scene and officers arrested the suspects – with weapons drawn in the middle of quiet Swenson Drive.

Tia Borgioli with bravery award and Snoqualmie Police and Mayor, 1/14/13
Tia Borgioli with bravery award and Snoqualmie Police and Mayor, 1/14/13

Tia was presented with a bravery and heroism award at last night’s Snoqualmie City Council Meeting – and she was brave.  She helped police arrest a convicted felon who was carrying a loaded handgun.

But, it turned out q13 didn’t just want to talk to Tia.

I was sitting down to an evening of television with the kids when a Facebook message came in from q13’s reporter, James Lynch, asking to interview me – ME.  Panic.  Public speaking is not my strong-suit.  I prefer writing, being behind the scenes.  My kids encouraged me – face my fear.

That was at 6:30PM.  Within minutes I put on makeup, changed clothes and headed to city hall – and was on camera by 7PM.  My youngest child even came along for a little mom “rah-rah.”

It turned out the angle of q13’s story was about how local, “hyper-local,” neighborhood blogs are helping keep local communities safe.

There are lots of neighborhood blogs in existence.  Because of the U-haul robbers arrest, Living Snoqualmie just happened to be last night’s poster child for the growing trend – and much of it due to you readers emailing me tips. If police confirm the tips are true, we can then get the word out to you – and the community network begins.

That’s what happened on Tia’s street.  Her neighbor, Charlene Lewaski, was also at the City Council meeting last night.  She told me that she read the January 3rd Living Snoqualmie story on the burglaries and U-haul.  She in turn forwarded it to everyone on Norman Ave.  Five days later, Tia spotted the U-haul, and well, the rest is history.

Thank you to all of you for helping to create a community connection point with Living Snoqualmie.  That was always the goal.

Now… watch q13’s story, Neighbors Helping Fight Crime, with a High-Tech Twist.  Thanks James Lynch!

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  • Your blog is great! It was the first one I came across when we moved here. I enjoy it and learn so much about the community. Thanks!!

  • Living Snoqualmie