Police Responding to Vehicle Prowls throughout Snoqualmie

Friday, February 6, 2014, the Snoqualmie Police Department announced it has been responding to multiple vehicle prowls throughout Snoqualmie. All incidents have been in cars that have been left unlocked.

SPD requests residents please report suspicious behavior by calling 911 immediately. This will allow police officers a better ability to identify crime suspects.

Snoqualmie Police say these are easy tips to reduce the risk of becoming a victim

  • Lock all vehicle doors
  • Park in a garage when possible or in a well-lit area.
  • Remove valuables, especially garage door openers and GPS units
  • Use a car alarm system
  • Install motion sensor lights on adjacent buildings
  • Turn on exterior lights or set on timer.

Police are also asking residents to always lock all residence doors throughout homes, even during daylight hours.

Citizens interested in organizing a Neighborhood Block Watch program or who would like more information about reporting suspicious behavior or crimes, please contact Captain Nick Almquist via email nalmquist@ci.snoqualmie.wa.us or 425-888-3333.

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  • Living Snoqualmie