August 14, 2023
A caller made a littering complaint because of a sandwich bag discarded from a vehicle at Snoqualmie Parkway and Swenson, with additional concerns about the suspect’s reckless driving.
An identifying name on the sandwich bag led to an allegation of possible theft, as the person listed said they never received their order. The case was reported to Washington State Patrol after the suspect got onto I-90.
August 14, 2023
A visitor to Snoqualmie Point Park observed a dog inside a vehicle parked in the shade. The outside temperature was 86 degrees, and the vehicle had its windows rolled up. The dog was not noticeably in distress upon initial contact.
However, it was apparent that the dog would need relief soon. Dispatch was able to locate a phone number for the registered owner. The owner drove from her home residence to retrieve the dog. The owner’s spouse, who left the dog in the car, was cited for Animal Cruelty.

August 14, 2023
A bank employee called to report a suspicious person inside the bank wearing a black hoodie and bulletproof vest. The employee said that the person had left on foot. Officers conducted an area check for the person and located them nearby. This person is a known subject to the officers and poses no risk. The bank was notified of the contact.
August 14, 2023
A male and female entered the Nike store in the Outlet Mall on August 14, gathered merchandise, and left without paying. Officers did an area check for the suspect vehicle and could not locate it. The male and female stole more than $ 3,000 worth of merchandise.
August 15, 2023
Officers observed a vehicle at Snoqualmie Point Park in handicapped parking with no placard. Upon contacting the suspect associated with the vehicle, it was determined they had several warrants out of surrounding agencies. The suspect was arrested and transported to a nearby jail.
August 16, 2023
Officers were dispatched to an accident at the Shell Station at Mt. Si Blvd. Dispatched officers arrived at the scene and saw a single vehicle had hit and broken the support beam to the location. The driver was slurring his words, smelled of alcohol, and had other indications he was impaired.
The aid crew took the driver to the hospital. The officer drafted a search warrant for the driver’s blood. Blood was obtained, and the driver was arrested for DUI.
August 16, 2023
Century Link called to report a copper wire theft from Bendigo Blvd. After receiving notice of an outage, an employee went to the site to find $10,000 worth of copper wire was taken along with extensive damage.
This caused service interruptions for many customers. Officers believe this is connected to other copper wire thefts in the area (see related article in Police News).
August 19, 2023
Officers were dispatched to a vehicle vs. motorcycle collision on North Bend Way. The motorcycle rider was reportedly down in the roadway. Officers arrived and summoned the Fire Department. While waiting for the aid crew, officers assisted the rider with a leg injury. Aid arrived and took the rider to the hospital.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]
Throwing a sandwich bag out of the car is still “littering” in this State and I wonder if observed littering is still probable case for a traffic stop and ticket under the new laws. haven’t seen this addressed. And what about “Report Littering”?