King County Trail Bridge Catches Fire in Snoqualmie, Arson Suspected

Shortly before 5PM, May 27, 2014, witnesses reported seeing vertical black smoke in the area of Meadowbrook Way, Reinig Road and 396th Drive in the downtown Snoqualmie area.

Snoqualmie Valley Historian, Dave Battey, reported he was on his way home from working at the family farm when he first saw the smoke. He said the bridge abutment and stairs to the King County Snoqualmie Valley trail were engulfed by fire.

Battey said that fire crews arrived quickly and luckily there is a fire hydrant at the road junction so the flames were extinguished within minutes.

Witnesses report Meadowbrook Way was closed while firefighters dealt with the fire and cleanup.

Snoqualmie Fire Chief, Mark Corriera, stated the burned property does belong to King County Parks. He said via email that the end of the walking bridge was on fire when crews arrived.  Firefighters “deployed master streams to extinguish the creosote and lumber that was burning.”

Correira said a suspect was in custody as the fire was believed to be arson.

King County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant, DB Gates, said the suspect is a male, North Bend resident in his 30’s.  He was booked into jail for investigation of 1st degree arson. Gates said charges will be up to the King County prosecutor’s office.

Crews from the Snoqualmie Fire Department, Fall City Fire Department and Eastside Fire and Rescue responded, with twelve firefighters working at the fire’s highpoint. Chief Corriera said the fire was under control within about 10 minutes.

The King County Parks Department closed the trail bridge until it can be determined if the structure is safe.

King County/Snoqualmie Valley Trail bridge on fire, 5/27/14. Photo:Dave Battey
King County/Snoqualmie Valley Trail bridge on fire, 5/27/14. Photo:Dave Battey
Fire at King County trail bridge, 5/27/14.  Photo by Jason Weatherholtz
Fire at King County trail bridge, 5/27/14. Photo by Jason Weatherholtz
Snoqualmie Fire Dept extinguishes bridge fire on 5/27/14.  Photo: Dave Battey
Snoqualmie Fire Dept extinguishes bridge fire on 5/27/14. Photo: Dave Battey

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  • Wow this really sucks. I enjoyed the bridge. I would use it when walking the back side of the dog park with my dog. Since it is a pedestrian only bridge I am guessing it will be some time before it repaired. I really hope I am wrong.

  • […] See photos at the Living Snoqualmie blog. […]

  • Attacking transportation infrastructure in this country is an act of terrorism and the person responsible should be charged accordingly.

  • Snoqualmie Valley Trail bridge burns, police arrest suspected arsonist | Seattle Bike Blog says:

    […] shortly before 5 p.m. Tuesday, and fire crews were able to put it out within about ten minutes, Living Snoqualmie reports (also includes photos). The bridge is owned by King County, which reports that it will be closed […]

  • Living Snoqualmie