Outcome of Snoqualmie School Bond Recount Not Known Until Tomorrow, March 4th

Oh, the drama.  With the bulk of the hand recount of Snoqualmie’s failed school bond done, one thing is known for sure – an outcome is still unknown!  The recount is not yet finished, but the bond is still one vote shy of passing with today’s total.

Both KOMO News and the Sno-Valley Star are reporting some new drama.  There are now 3 ballots in question, requiring the Elections Canvassing Board to call an emergency meeting to determine their future.  http://www.kingcounty.gov/elections/elections/201102/canvassboardspecial2.aspx.

Two ballots were found today that were not included in the February 8th special election result.  The third ballot has the problem of election workers not being able to determine the voter’s intent.  It is reported that the ballot looks as if the voter voted one way and then changed their mind.  It is not known if that ballot was originally counted as a yes or no vote.  The canvassing board will meet tomorrow, March 4th, at 9:30AM to decide if the two found ballots will be included in the recount.

9,955 Snoqualmie Valley School Bond ballots were cast in the February 8th election.  600 ballots still need to be recounted tomorrow, March 4th.   Media was allowed in during today’s recount of approximately 9,200 ballots – as were other observers.  Sean Sundwall, Recount Committee Chairman, was on hand watching county election employees examine and count each ballot.

After the 9:30AM emergency meeting tomorrow, remaining ballots will be counted.  If the canvassing board decides to include the two new ballots, they will be tallied along with the remaining ballots.  King County Elections will certify the election recount result at 2PM tomorrow, March 4th.  The drama lives for one more day!

For more information on the story visit http://snovalleystar.com/2011/03/03/king-county-elections-finishes-bulk-of-hand-recount-of-snoqualmie-valley-school-bond.  For video of the story visit KOMO News at http://www.komonews.com/news/local/117372948.html.

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  • Where are the results? Weren’t they supposed to post at 2pm? Do you know?

    1. 4 ballots being reviewed by county. The intent of voter in question on these ballots. If one flips no to yes the bond passes. Still waiting. Sorry! If no results today then tomorrow morning I am hearing.

  • Living Snoqualmie