Filming Crews Occupy Streets of Downtown Snoqualmie, May 3rd

Well, it wasn’t a movie this time, but film crews setting the stage for a commercial being filmed in downtown Snoqualmie this morning, May 3, 2013, caused quite a spectacle – and not mention,  a two-block traffic backup stretching down Railway Ave at 7:30AM.

The Northwest Railway Museum Marketing Director, Jennifer Osborn, confirmed all the filming activity was for a commercial, one involving train cars belonging to the museum, but could not disclose want company/vendor is shooting the commercial.

The filming happened most of the day in historic Snoqualmie, near the railway crossing intersection there. After the train car filming finished, a race car was loaded into the church parking lot at River Street and Railroad Ave and reportedly used in part of the commercial.

So, no, Johnny Depp is not back in town.  It’s not a movie this time; rather a commercial.  A commercial for what is the question of the day.

Later Friday afternoon, a source at the Bindlestick Coffee and Beer House reported that the commercial was for the Washington State Lotto.  That information has not been confirmed, though.

May 2, 2013 commercial filming at Railroad Ave and Newton Street
May 3, 2013 commercial filming at Railroad Ave and Newton Street
Commercial filming in downtown Snoqualmie, May 3, 2013
Commercial filming in downtown Snoqualmie, May 3, 2013


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  • How can the museum or city not disclose from whom their receiving money? How is it not public record? Same with today’s (July 24th) filming on Snoq. Parkway. I want to know what insurance company so I van make sure I don’t use them.

  • Living Snoqualmie