North Bend Snowstorm Recovery Update, January 6th: Help Clear Storm Drains to Prevent Localized Flooding

Due to the melt of significant accumulated snow around the City, and now heavy rain, many roads in the City are at risk of ponding and possible localized flooding.

To help mitigate the risk of local flooding, the City asks residents to clear storm drains of snow, when and if possible. The City is working to release a map of approximate storm drain locations to assist community members.

It is also strongly advised that drivers use caution on local roadways as ponding can increase the risk of vehicle hydroplaning.

For residents concerned about potential localized street flooding impacting their homes, the City’s Public Works Facility located at 1155 E. North Bend Way (adjacent to City Hall) has sand and sandbags available. 

Residents will need to fill bags themselves and provide their own shovels, but the City has materials available free of charge.  

Community members interested in sand and sandbags, please contact City of North Bend Emergency Operations Coordinator, Erin Mitchell at

The City thanks residents for their help and patience as we continue to recover from this extended and unusual winter weather event. 

[Information provided by the City of North Bend]

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  • How about every able-bodied City employee get out from behind their desk and do something to help the situation? How many are “working from home” and doing nothing that equals the importance of getting our roads safe and usable? All hands on deck is how the ship should be sailing. Instead, we’re drowning. Shout out to the Republic Services employees working their tails off emptying our bins at super-speed out in the nasty weather! Kudos to them!

  • Living Snoqualmie