North Bend Receives Grant Funding for Future South Fork Avenue Extension Bypass Project

In March, the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) approved funding for the recipients of their 2021 Rural Town Centers and Corridors (RTCC), a program that provides grants for projects in smaller, rural cities in the Pacific Northwest.

The City of North Bend was among eight projects selected, with $967,500 recommended for preliminary engineering and design for a new beautification and traffic flow project in town: The South Fork Avenue Extension Bypass. 

The South Fork Avenue project includes extending South Fork Avenue SW to West North Bend Way. The extension will provide drivers – notably heavy truck traffic – with an arterial level connection between West North Bend Way and Bendigo Boulevard South (State Route 202).

Map of project area courtesy the City of North Bend

Right now, South Fork Avenue extends to the northwest, from SR 202 at North Bend Premium Outlets, but ends at the Nintendo of America facility entrance. 

The South Fork Avenue project aims to:

  • Reduce traffic volumes and the emissions impact at major intersections within the City’s main downtown Historic District;
  • Provide alternatives for truck traffic;
  • Improve safety for the traveling public, pedestrians, and cyclists;
  • Improve access to and from I-90. 

This is one step in a series of grant-supported projects involving beautification, vehicle and trail connectivity, flood reduction and habitat restoration in this part of North Bend. Proposed projects to accompany the South Fork Avenue Extension Bypass include:

  • A roundabout at NW 8th, South Fork Avenue and West North Bend Way, with the goal of improving traffic flow, reducing delay and increasing pedestrian safety;
  • A setback of the left bank levee along the South Fork Snoqualmie River, with a shared-use trail atop the levee. Proposals include eventually connecting the trail to Tollgate Farm Park, the Snoqualmie Valley Trail, and West North Bend Way. In addition to increasing connectivity throughout North Bend, the trail will become part of the future Evergreenway Trail, which will also provide multi-use connection to neighboring communities, from Snoqualmie Pass to Issaquah. 

The overall combined project offers North Bend many benefits. In addition to increasing connectivity, reducing traffic congestion, emissions, and flood impacts, this work will provide a more natural shoreline, with additional habitat restoration that will support improved water quality and cooler river temperatures. 

City of North Bend Capital Projects and Grants Manager, Daniel Marcinko commented, “Our City Council continues to be forward thinking in their efforts to provide the quality of life our residents are accustomed to and encourage visitors to shop and stroll safely. We are working hard to provide public safety, while also enhancing the livability of North Bend and our thriving Historic District. This grant is a win for our community!”

These projects are being developed in collaboration with the PSRC, the North Bend business community, King County Flood Control District, King County Department of Natural Resources and the Mountains to Sound Greenway.

Design for the roadway bypass is expected to begin this year, completing in 2023, with construction in 2024 and 2025.

[Information provided by the City of North Bend]

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  • Once again, the City favors the business community over the residential — Silver Creek side of town could use some new streets — now. The block across from Si View Park is still waiting for shoulder and curb construction for safer parking. Snoqualmie did 80% of the residential old town — new streets, curbs, water lines and pedestrian signals — maybe North Bend needs the Snoqualmie Mayor and Council. What we have now for city government is for the business and new residential — the rest of us are not represented at all.

  • NIMBY folks continue to amaze me. The goal of the project is the beautification of the historic part of town and improve traffic and increase pedestrian safety. How is this favoring business over community? It is a win win for everyone Not to mention the environmental improvements. Is it just me or does it seems like NIMBY crowd needs to spoon fed to understand anything? The project took the dedicated work of no less than 6 entities to even reach this point. Kudos for calling out how well Snoqualmie Government is working however.

    1. Kevin, I think you missed the point – it is not about NIMBY. It is about Prioritization and Fairness to everyone in the city. To much city money and/or staff effort has gone to the business area and new construction – while the residential areas such as Silver Creek suffer (Streets in particular). There is no balanced decision making or planning – it’s one sided here and has been for years. Snoqualmie’s city leaders on the other hand used a Fairness Principle when it came to projects, staff time and monetary consideration/planning so everyone benefited – business, new building, residential. Further more one can see it and feel it – when driving/living in Snoqualmie – try that test in North Bend.

  • Living Snoqualmie