North Bend Planning Commission to consider allowing marijuana store near new city hall; public hearing scheduled

On Thursday, January 24th the North Bend Planning Commission will take up the topic of considering whether a marijuana store can open on E. North Bend Way next door to Todd’s Towing and across from new city hall. Current city zoning does not allow marijuana stores on this site. They are allowed only in certain areas of the Interchange Retail zone near I-90 exit 31.

In December the city’s Community and Economic Development Council Committee discussed the topic and requested a draft Developer Agreement allowing this usage at the location be prepared and considered by the Planning Commission. A developer agreement could be used to allow marijuana retail use on the site by “establishing standards and requirements for specific project that may differ from portions of the city’s development regulations, subject to approval by the city council.”

According to a Planning Commission memo, developer agreements can have advantages over city code amendments as they are contractual rather than regulatory and thus can exceed what is required by local law.

The project applicant, Cliff Gehrett, also owns Issaquah Cannabis Company. The 1310-60 E. North Bend Way site currently contains single family homes and a portion of Todd’s Towing yard. Gehrett is proposing using one of the property’s existing homes as the retail store and then construct an adjacent permanent, multi-tenant building where the marijuana store would relocate to when complete – along with another business or restaurant. He is agreeing to complete the new building within three years of a developer agreement approval.

At the January 24th Planning Commission meeting, city staff with introduce this potential developer agreement. A public hearing on the topic is also scheduled before commission members on February 13th at 7PM at the Mt. Si Senior Center, 411 Main Ave S.

Following the public hearing, the planning commission will deliberate the potential merits and impacts of allowing the marijuana store at this location, consider public feedback and then make a recommendation to the city council regarding the developer agreement.

According to City Administrator Londi Lindell, this is the second person seeking to locate a marijuana store in North Bend. Another person is proposing a location near Truck Town – and recently spoke at a city council meeting – but has not filed an application with the city.

Site of proposed location for marijuana store.

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  • I am not in favor of allowing a marijuana store at an additional site in North Bend. One is plenty…in fact, too much.

  • The misinformation and 1930’s views are amazing. Anette, Ceila and Steve, I suggest educating yourselves. 🙂

    We should embrace this, it could bring quite a bit of money into our little town. The ignorance is astounding, we have alcohol in every store, but you’re worried about a little weed?

  • I think it’s a great idea to allow a marijuana store in North Bend. It’ll provide medicine and recreational marijuana to the people in town as well as anyone coming from the pass/travelers. It’ll bring more money to the town. Whoever thinks it’ll cause more problems doesn’t understand what prohibition does, it creates more crime… Don’t be backwards @$$ hicks and let’s be more progressive. It’s a plant LMAO!

  • Pot causes brain damage and makes ppl dull and lazy…North Bend already has plenty of that and the youth dont need this

  • Living Snoqualmie