North Bend Names Gina Estep 2012 Employee of the Year

Screen Shot 2013-01-02 at 10.46.16 AMThe City of North Bend named Gina Estep, Director of the Community & Economic Development Department, as its 2012 Employee of the Year.  Mayor Hearing and staff recognized Gina for her many contributions and accomplishments at the annual Wellness Employee Recognition Luncheon held on December 14th.

Gina began working for the City of North Bend in 2006, having previously worked for the City of Snoqualmie and Town of LaConnor.  She’s worn many hats over the past 6 + years, working to foster greater community spirit through the Downtown Block Party, the Holiday Festival and other events.  She was able to garner support from many local citizens, all while helping to increase the economic vitality of the City of North Bend.   City officials say this is a well-deserved award for Gina.

Mayor Hearing was also announced the addition of several new city employees at the annual luncheon. New staff members in 2012 included Londi Lindell, newly appointed City Administrator who began work in May; Frank Page, Public Works Director/City Engineer joining the City in October; and Erin Mitchell, Police Administrative Assistant, who began employment with the City last March.

The Mayor also recognized the Wellness Committee for the work they do all year in support of staff and North Bend’s Wellness program; and expressed his sincere thanks on behalf of the elected officials to all employees for their hard work and dedication in 2012.

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  • Congratulations to Gina! She is obviously a wonderful employee and a great community advocate. She is also a wonderful example to the many young ladies she has coached in basketball around the valley for the last several years including my daughter! Well done!

  • Living Snoqualmie