North Bend Double Homicide Update: Arrest Warrant Issued For Peter Keller In Deaths Of Wife and Daughter

King County Sheriff’s Detectives are now calling Peter A. Keller a suspect in the murder of his wife and daughter Sunday morning in their house near North Bend.

Detectives and prosecutors have filed a Certification of Probable Cause which was signed today by a judge authorizing the arrest of Keller for two counts of First Degree Murder and First Degree Arson.

Sheriff Steve Strachan gave a media briefing about the new development April 25th at the Sheriff’s Office in the King County Courthouse.

King County Sheriff Deputies have been searching for Keller in the forests of the Snoqualmie Valley since Sunday.  He is an avid hiker and outdoorsman and has been unaccounted for since Sunday morning.

It is reported Keller spent much of his free time hiking and biking in the forests surrounding North Bend and kept a stockpile of  supplies at his “fort” in the woods.  Several high-powered rifles and several hand guns were missing from the home.  He withdrew $6200 from the bank two days before the murders.  It is reported he has as survivalist mentality and was a loner.  According to his deceased wife’s family, Keller has a distaste for authority.

Keller’s car was missing from the home and found at the North Bend Library with keys still in the ignition – no signs that it was stolen.  The home’s safe (requires combination) was left open yet no valuables were missing in the home, except a new computer the suspect was said to have purchased two weeks prior.  Keller’s mountain bike was also missing from the home.  The fire in the home was set intentionally by a gas can left on a kitchen stove burner.  All of this info was contained in the sheriff’s probably cause document.

If you have any information on Keller’s location please call the King County Sheriff’s Office at (206) 296-3311 or 911

For more information on the search for Keller you can read yesterday’s Living Snoqualmie story.

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