It seems both Snoqualmie and North Bend are now in the processing of improving and sprucing up the downtown areas. Residents should get used to seeing construction crews on downtown streets in the Snoqualmie Valley.
Monday, September 8, 2014, the City of North Bend began work on a sidewalk improvement project running in front of the QFC and neighboring businesses along North Bend Way. The project is expected to run through the end of October.
The city contracted with Larry Brown Construction to replace much of the sidewalk on the north side of East North Bend Way between Downing Ave and the traffic roundabout at Cedar Falls Way.
The City of North Bend says the new sidewalks will be wider and meet current Americans with Disabilities Act regulations. Curb bulb-outs and planter strips will also be installed to spruce up the roadway’s appearance.
Adjacent businesses will remain open during construction and impacts to traffic will be fairly minimal with multiple lane shifts throughout the duration of the $286,000 project.

would be nice to see the visual plans for this improvement as well. they may have been published previously. .if so, a link to the plans would be great!
Planter strips there now too? Because traffic doesn’t suck bad enough as it is? It’s already nearly impossible to get across NB Way pulling out from QFC. More crap in the streets for trucks to dodge. YAY!