North Bend Advances to Stage 3 of Water Conservation Ordinance Effective September 5, 2023

Considering the existing watershed conditions and a 10-day weather forecast indicating minimal precipitation, Mark Rigos, the Public Works Director for the City of North Bend, has officially announced a transition from Stage 2 to Stage 3 of the City’s Water Conservation Ordinance (WCO).

This adjustment takes effect on September 5, 2023, and will be in place until rescinded.

Amid the escalating impact of climate change on King County and the greater Pacific Northwest, the City of North Bend is urging its residents to engage in water conservation measures. The WCO is an effective mechanism for citizens to contribute to meaningful environmental stewardship.

Notably, May and July of this year ranked among the warmest months ever recorded for the Seattle vicinity, accelerating snowmelt in the watershed and consequentially diminishing the flow rates of the Snoqualmie River.

The WCO applies to property owners within the City limits as well as any North Bend water customers residing outside the jurisdiction.

Stage 3 of the WCO establishes a concise set of guidelines for water utilization:

  • Landscaping irrigation is permitted once a week, a reduction from the thrice-weekly schedule stipulated in Stage 2. Although the volume is not dictated, conscientious water use is encouraged to benefit the Snoqualmie River’s ecosystem.
  • Watering is allowed from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m., which minimizes evaporation.
  • Odd-even scheduling specifies irrigation days: Those with odd-numbered addresses may irrigate on Tuesdays, while those with even-numbered addresses can do so on Wednesdays.
  • Public and privately managed streetscape landscaping will adhere to the same watering schedule as even-numbered addresses.
  • Filling or draining of swimming pools, artificial lakes, ponds, or streams is prohibited; no new permits for these activities will be issued until the WCO has been moved to Stage 1 or has ended.
  • Usage of water for decorative ponds and fountains is not allowed except where needed for vegetation, animal life, or public health.
  • Restaurants will provide water only upon request.
  • New landscaping should prioritize drought-resistant vegetation; the planting of new turf or grass is prohibited.
  • Vehicle or equipment cleaning is only permitted at commercial sites using recycled or reclaimed water.
  • Timely repair of water leaks is mandatory; companies must be contacted within 24 hours of a reported leak.
  • Hydrant or sewer flushing is restricted, exempting emergencies and essential procedures.
  • Water for construction needs like dust control is forbidden unless specifically required for fire safety tests or maintenance.

To stay updated on the WCO and other local news, visit the Water Conservation Ordinance webpage, sign up for the “Notify Me” subscription, check the City News Release webpage, or follow the City on various social media platforms.

The City values your collaboration in judicious water management and thanks you for aiding the conservation of this finite natural resource

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  • Does this apply to all? Or do City officials and ultra wealthy get free passes as with years prior?

  • You say the water situation is due to climate change, what about the uninhibited new construction,
    And the thousands of new residents. Just say you have overbuilt beyond the capacity of the river.
    At least the conservation recommendations would be rational

  • Living Snoqualmie