New School Slated for Corner of Snoqualmie Parkway and Swenson Drive, Entrance to Deer Park Neighborhood

If you live in the Snoqualmie Ridge neighborhood of Deer Park, or if you frequently drive by its entrance on the corner of Snoqualmie Parkway and Swenson Drive, you might be wondering what construction is commencing on this property.

This corner land parcel has been surveyed and taped off over the past couple of weeks.  Today, August 17th, a small bobcat-type bulldozer entered the roped off area in what appears to be the beginning the construction prep/land clearing part of the project.  But don’t worry, signs on the property state some of the land is designated wetlands, so most likely not all trees will be cleared for construction.

A city information request turned up that a 5,000 square foot commercial building for the Morning Star Montessori School is slated for this parcel of land.  According to the owners, the deal closed just last Friday and construction will begin on August 20th.  The school currently operates in the Snoqualmie Ridge Heights neighborhood. They hope to be operating out of their new building by January.

This story will be updated as new information is gathered.

Bobcat-type bulldozer works on land parcel on corner of Snoqualmie Parkway and Swenson Drive, at the entrance to Deer Park neighborhood


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  • As a Deer Park resident, I’m happy to see that you solved this mystery for our neighborhood! Amazing how these land deals get approved and we don’t learn about them til the bulldozer arrives. Keep up the great reporting about happenings on the Ridge!

    1. Thanks, Andrew. The owners just actually responded to my inquiry rather quickly so I added some new info to the story…

    1. I know that the school district owns about 25 acres on one of the corners opposite the entrance to Deer Park. I can’t remember which side of Swenson, though. So nothing will go on one of those corners until the school board decides to put the 6th elementary school on a school construction bond and we actually pass that bond. The other corner… not sure, but can check.

      1. I am talking about the same side of the road as the new M-School….the north east corner of Swenson and sno parkway. Thank you! Kepp up the great work!

  • Living Snoqualmie