New Disc Golf Mini Course comes to local park, thanks to volunteer effort of local Boy Scout

Did you notice the new addition to EJ Roberts Park in North Bend… a disc golf mini course… and wondered how it came to be? Sometimes volunteer work goes unnoticed so we thought we’d shed a little light.

In late August, Griffin Nicolino of local Boy Scout Troop 466 completed his Eagle Scout project by installing the new course at EJ Roberts Park.

Griffin said the project was the result of over two years of planning and 100+ hours of volunteer work. It took 11 volunteers, including six boy scouts, to install the new course during the summer.

“I chose a disc golf course as my Eagle project because it is a growing sport and anyone can play without spending a lot of money for equipment – and it’s a way to go out and enjoy the outdoors as a family,” Griffin said via email.

The new disc golf mini course is a four target course, with the targets mostly being par 2’s. Griffin hopes people give the course a try and along the way discover that it’s really a fun activity.

Griffin summed it by saying:

“I hope that while people enjoy the disc golf course, benches along pathways, signs identifying mountaintops or plants, improved trails, as well as other results of volunteer efforts, that they will think of the [responsible] volunteer groups and will be encouraged to support when a group needs to do fundraising, or volunteer their time and skills to help out.”

New disc golf mini course target at EJ Roberts Park in North Bend.
Sign explaining new disc golf mini course at EJ Roberts Park.

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  • […] in February 2019). The improved park was reopened on April 20, 2016. It’s also now home to a Disc Golf Course that opened in late August 2017 thanks to Eagle Scout Griffin Nicolino of local Boy Scout Troop […]

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