My Weekly Snoqualmie Valley Pick – Favorite Handyman

* This is a new series designed to highlight some of my favorite places, people and businesses in the valley.  If you have one you think is worthy then send me an email. *

So the advice goes when you own an investment/rental property, “Find a good handyman.”  I read this in books and heard it from other property owners when beginning my duties as “landlord.”  As our rental property hit 10 years old things started breaking, as they do in homes this age.  I refer to it as “the 10 year itch.”  So I set out to find myself a good, reliable, local handyman.

How did I do this you ask?  I went to my “go to” place – the Snoqualmie Yahoo Group.  I posted asking for recommendations for a reliable, reasonably priced handyman.  A few hours later,  I had the name of someone I consider the best valley handyman – Mike Williams.  Mike’s a long-time North Bend resident.  Being a handyman is his retirement career.  And in true valley “it’s a small world” fashion, he turns out to be the uncle of former Cascade View teacher, Seth Deniston.  My kids love Mr. Denniston!

It’s been a year and a half that Mike has been taking care of my rental property – and sometimes my own home.  He’s done everything from fixing a window  leak, fixing a refrigerator and dishwasher, painting, electrical work, gutter work. pressure washing, installing a new sink and faucet and making my gutters stop vibrating in the wind – not an easy task on the Ridge!  You name it and he’s probably fixed it for me.  He does the work thoroughly and precisely.  If his fix doesn’t work he comes back at no charge.  If it’s something he thinks another contractor can do better for a cheaper price – he will give you the number of that business.  He is an ethical, kind businessman.

So if you are in the market for a great handyman, or just tired of waiting for your husband to scratch that project off the ‘honey do list,” then try Mike.  His contact information is on the  “local contractors I would us again” page on this website.   Happy fixing Snoqualmie Valley!

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  • Thank you for this! I’ll keep Mike’s name on file so it will be there and ready next time we could use some help!

  • Great recommendation….I had him in our new home on the Ridge helping out with repairs and chandeliers all day yesterday and he did great work.

  • Living Snoqualmie