Mount Si High School exterior demolition to start any day; new school opens in six weeks

Big changes are brewing at Mount Si High School this summer.

After 4.5 years of planning and construction, in just six weeks approximately 1,700 students will begin walking the halls of the new Mount Si – a flood-proofed, 350,000 sq. ft. modern light-filled campus with capacity for 2,300 students.

Freshman will no longer be a half-mile away on a separate campus, making scheduling much easier for the counseling department. Snoqualmie Middle School will also re-emerge – Welcome Back Eagles – and mark SVSD’s return to a three middle school model.

Interior and infrastructure de-construction on the old Mount Si building has been happening since school let out in mid-June. Furniture, lockers, equipment, etc. have been removed and auctioned off. Who knew Twin Peaks fans would want to purchase MSHS red lockers and chairs? Yep. It’s true.

Gymnasium demolition started in June as the old gym will be the location of the new Performing Arts Center – slated open in December 2020. Also begun this summer was the removal of the temporary gravel parking lot and site grading for the new baseball and softball fields, which will be turfed, lit and are slated be ready in February 2020.

According to SVSD Assistant Superintendent Ryan Stokes, the most visible part of the demolition process – taking down the old MSHS building – is likely to begin this week. Stokes said the gym demo has taken a little longer than expected which has made other demolition start dates fluid, but he thinks it will start “any day now.”

Meanwhile in the new building crews have been busy with finishing work, fire alarm programming and inspection, equipment and furniture installations. The complex task of transferring the school’s data center was also recently accomplished.

Over at the former Freshman Campus, crews are beginning Snoqualmie Middle School conversion work, which will include exterior paint (red will become blue), new signage, library and band room work, lighting upgrades and a computer lab conversion.

Mark Your Calendar: The Snoqualmie Valley School District will host a Mount Si High School Community Celebration and Open House on Saturday, September 7th, from 9AM -12PM. Doors will open at 9AM with a program in the gym at 9:15AM, followed by campus tours.

The $200 million Mount Si High School Re-build project was funded by the February 2015 $244 million voter-approved capital bond.


Flooring from old MSHS gym was installed on walls of new weight room
Outdoor courtyard and seating areas
Greenhouses atop the third floor
Gymnasium entrance
MSHS main office
Common area grand staircase
Estimated opening dates for different phases of the MSHS re-build project

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  • Fun to send this article to our two Mount Si Graduates!
    Dave & Kathy Battey

  • Living Snoqualmie